Page name: Rain Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-04 19:10:11
Last author: 4everThyme
Owner: 4everThyme
# of watchers: 34
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Welcome to Rain Lovers. This is for those that like to Dance in the rain; Those that love to listen to the melody of each drop hitting the ground. All of you that find rain relaxing instead of a waste of a day are welcome in this wiki. My name is Kassie. My all time favorite thing to do when it is a warm, rainy day is to dance, dance around in the cool relaxing rain. For all who are with me feel free to join. Just ask in the comments or messege me.

-Rain Goddess-
[4everThyme] Yep. *dances around in rain with arms in air* Weee

-Rain Goddess Sister-
[Stormqueen] w00t This is the owner of
Rainy People Club

-Rain Dancing/Huggle Buddy-
[Mordeth] you r special now
[Gaara of the Desert] well being from Washington the rain puts me to sleep nightly

-Rain Gods- (not as powerful as me for i am ruler lol)
[Toshi Umezawa] thanx for inspiring me to make this wiki.
[nameless, again] yay you r a god now lol.

-Mastress'- (male version of Mistress) ^-^
[Zealot2.0] you are now a mastress... to me. but i still rule this wiki go me go me lol
[XReaverX] welcome to the life of a mastress

More members at Rain Dancers

Rain Poems


<img:> [4everThyme] I made this yay it looks so good.
Code= <*IMG:*> (without stars)

compliments of [Deus_Casus] =

Compliments of [Alex DeLarge] =

More banners on BWL banners

--Sister Wiki--
Rainy People Club
Owned by ~*~[Stormqueen]~*~

Username (or number or email):


[4everThyme]: oh man i love it ok sice no one answered (and i really want to use your pic) ^_^ you win... any one can make a banner and if i like it then i'll useit with credit to you of course

[4everThyme]: hey i just noticed the you (being Alex) are'nt apart of this wiki... you havent asked to be... would you like to be?

[Alex DeLarge]: Sure.

[4everThyme]: sweet deal

[Deus_Casus]: kassie i know you hate this but, ERNEST!!!

[4everThyme]: ok kool and poor Ernest!!!!

[Alex DeLarge]: Well Kassie, hows about you and I go and stare at the rain next time i'm in town, eh?

[4everThyme]: sure

[Deus_Casus]: do you even know what he means?

[Alex DeLarge]: Surely she does, doesn't she?

[aimfire]: a date eh?

[Deus_Casus]: not exactly, heh

[Alex DeLarge]: Actually, yes. He's practically on the dot on that one.

[Alex DeLarge]: Please note, I said 'Practically'.

[Deus_Casus]: and i said, not EXACTLY

[Kisa_sama]: lol.. Do i even want to know? ^-^

[Deus_Casus]: ah ha ha

[Fizban]: RA..RA...RAIN LOVERS!! wheeeeeee!! *frolics in the rain*

[4everThyme]: _> <_< should i know??? why dont you tell me so i will know and i wont feel so lost...

[Kisa_sama]: << >> ?

[Alex DeLarge]: It's not that hard to figure out, is it? :P

[Fizban]: *gets struck by lightning*

[Deus_Casus]: lol alex, i think she ponies you, but dont mind me asking will there be lubbilubbing involved?

[Kisa_sama]: Oh. ^-^ hahaha i had time to get it now... @.@

[4everThyme]: sure fine whatever if you say so... hwta ever it is why not...

[Deus_Casus]: wow kassie you've made the 666th comment on this page, your're evil

[guiltyangel]: whats lubbilubbing?

[Deus_Casus]: lubbilubbing=making love (in the Language of Nadsat from A Clockwork Orange)

[Kisa_sama]: Weeeee.... -.-

[guiltyangel]: ahhhh

[Deus_Casus]: well one of you is excited about that...

[Kisa_sama]: o.o ...sure?...

[Modnoc!]: may i join? o.o;

[Kisa_sama]: *pokes 4everThyme* Have to check with her! ^^

[Modnoc!]: ^^ thankyou! ^__________^

[Kisa_sama]: Did you ask her? ^^U

[Modnoc!]: Yeah ^^' just shes not here yet << >>

[Kisa_sama]: << >> *Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-doooooo* (twilight zone theme thing)

[Modnoc!]: Lmao! ^^;

[Kisa_sama]: ^^U I'm "Special".....o.oUUUUUU

[Modnoc!]: lmao awwwww ^^ yush you are ^_______^ Everyones special ^______________^ wheeeeeeeeeeeeee *hugs you*

[Kisa_sama]: *ish hugged* -^^- *dances*

[Modnoc!]: YAY! ^__________^

[Kisa_sama]: lol -^^- g2g bbl! << >>UUU

[Modnoc!]: Lmao XD ^^;

[Modnoc!]: kk take care Kisa ^_^

[Alex DeLarge]: No, she's not here. I'm secretly holding her captive so she can't let anyone else ever join. Mwhaha. Only not.

[Deus_Casus]: <img:> because 4everthyme hasnt put this up yet. i should also resize this

[Ruon]: Hi, I'm fairly new to elftown.... I'm not exactly sure what wikis are, but I really like the rain. Can I join?

[Deus_Casus]: hello

[4everThyme]: ok i now have time to do stuff. yes you can join and mike or donny or what ever you go by, put that pic in code form so i can put it on here puweez

[Deus_Casus]: uhh...left click the pic hit properties and its there

[Deus_Casus]: but if you insist i'll do it myself... it in the html tag brackets, you know <> with the img: and there you have it...

[Deus_Casus]: eww, kassie dont show time, show the date of posting, you should know better than that...but im going to explain in a really boring paragraph, lol. since we have world time zones not everyone runs the same clock. for example my last post says 00:34:37, i dont know what that is, it might be 34 minutes and 37 seconds of the new day, but you know where we life its only about 8:40 p.m. so thats way off. change it back to date. please...

[Deus_Casus]: for those people who have interesting pic to share...not porn, i can find that myself...please send it to me here;name=For%20the%20Motherland

[Kisa_sama]: @.@ *has been grounded..and still kinda is..* << >>

[Ruon]: Like I said, I'm fairly new. Would you mind telling me exactly HOW you go about becoming a member of a wiki? lol

[4everThyme]: you ask the owner or just go to the page and find edit page (some pages are password protected like mine )

[4everThyme]: no mike you have to give me the photo numbers hun... i guess you dont know how so i'll do it when i get home...

[Alex DeLarge]: Well well well, it's good to finally see you on.

[Ruon]: where should I put my name?

[Deus_Casus]: ... ok kassie i have no idea what your talking about and Ruon 4everthyme is the owner here,she puts your name down in the dancers page

[Deus_Casus]: besides you are on the list just put the banner somewhere in your description. to do that left click the banner you want (there is 4) select properties, copy the location of the banner, finally change your description by adding the pic inside <*IMG:(the pic location)> but without the asterix

[Ruon]: Thanks! and 4everThyme, could you add a personal note next to my name in the member list? "Howdy, I don't actually like to dance in the rain, but I do like to walk in it. Plus, the sound of it really soothes me to sleep."

[~Prima Dona~]: Can i join?

[Anime chíca]: it's raining i'm so happy

[guiltyangel]: tis raining here

[Ruon]: It isn't raining here..... *sigh*

[Kisa_sama]: I rained here for bout 2 days... -^^- *dances*

[Blaithin]: Smells like rain here today, hasn't rained yet though. Still smells good though :)

[guiltyangel]: well it was raining quite heavily last night. and i was at a party and a bit drunk so me and my best friend went and stood in it for a while. it was quite warm too. and when my other best friend came outside and asked what we were doing we said we were listening to the rain and he said it was a silly thing to do, but thats not true because the sound of rain is soothing :)

[phaerie]: the rain here makes everything wet but doesn't rain nicely in drops it's just wet

[Kisa_sama]: I love when it rains in the morning! -^^- It's nice to wake up to! Speacially when the sun peaks through the clouds. *giggles*

[Ruon]: It rained earlier today. I was taking a class at the time, and I wanted to go outside, but I couldn't. Then after class was over.... it had stopped raining.... *sigh* plus, my bike was wet, so now I have a nice big wet spot on the butt of my pants.

[Kisa_sama]: *pats* It's all good. ^^

[phaerie]: it rains nicely there now with drops and all :)

[Kisa_sama]: Our rain here just comes down in sheets. not really drops just like buckets of water combined together. @.@

[guiltyangel]: didnt rain today. infact its been strangely sunny for over a week now

[Ruon]: hey, would you guys go to my house and take my poll? It rained yesterday, by the way. It was really short though....

[To the Welkin]: omg omg omg omg im in my FUCKING SANCTUARY!!!!

[Kisa_sama]: >U What are you talking about? ......*scared*

[phaerie]: now its stopped rainin altogther ... it just can't get its act together right now

[Kisa_sama]: T.T *pats*

[Blaithin]: It's pouring here today. I wish I wasn't at school so I could go for a walk.

[Deus_Casus]: Ezekel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequalities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will, shepards the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truely his brothers' keeper and the finder of lost children. And i will strike down upon thee with great vengence and furious anger, those who attempt to poision and destroy my brothers, and you will know I AM THE LORD, when i lay my vengence upon thee...

[4everThyme]: um ... thank you for that mike

[Kisa_sama]: Yes. << >> Were did that come from? ^^;

[Shee A'beanne Alainn]: can I join?

[Kisa_sama]: *pokes [4everThyme] -^^- * She's in charge.

[Alex DeLarge]: I love you, Kassie. :P

[4everThyme]: um thank you?

[Alex DeLarge]: I figured you'd be a little more receptive than that. :P

[guiltyangel]: hello people, rained here for two days! yay! i opened my window at five o clock in the morning just so i could hear the rain while i was going back to sleep *sigh*

[Kisa_sama]: T.T I want it to rain. << >> It hasent rained in a week.

[Blaithin]: raining all day here, yay for rain. I'm gonna go for a walk when I get home ^_^

[speakyourwords]: i love the rain... me and my best friend go roller blading in the rain sometimes.... i luv thunderstorms too especially

[4everThyme]: oh me and my bff have gone rollerblading in the rain and then we walked around it was fun... and Alex DeLarge, what did you want me to say??? ^_-

[*_Kandi Kid_*]: It never rains In New Mexico

[phaerie]: it always rains in england ^__^

[Oh! Its a Riot xx]: i heard

[Kisa_sama]: I rained today. And scared the horses. @.@

[4everThyme]: ooo horsies

[Kisa_sama]: o.o Yes horsies?

[Synirria]: i wanna join

[sita14]: Hi, how is everyone? It stormed here last night. I wanted to go out in it, but couldn't because I was in class ;(

[Kisa_sama]: I'm out of school! ^^ YAY!....

[sita14]: This is my last day, YAY :P

[4everThyme]: i get out on the 16 but thats because of exams

[Alex DeLarge]: Need I tell you what to say? I wouldn't think I would need to. ^_~

[Deus_Casus]: lol

[phaerie]: hang on ... "It stormed here last night ... I was in class " class at night?

[sita14]: I have karate classes.

[4everThyme]: well Alex if you know what i should say then need i say it since you already know?

[Alex DeLarge]: But then you wouldn't have said it. :P

[Kisa_sama]: Xd *tounge touches nose*

[Quiet Girl]: I want to join

[Ph33r]: That's not what your father said...

[Kisa_sama]: O.O What did her Father say?

[Ph33r]: :-P

[Ph33r]: That's not what YOUR mother said...

[Kisa_sama]: o.o *blinks* You don't make any sence. what-so-ever.

[Ph33r]: I believe the correct term is sense. English, do you know it!?

[Kisa_sama]: XD Yes. But my spelling is bad. I'm sorry.

[Ph33r]: It's ok... ^_^

[phaerie]: no1 can spell perfectly :)

[Kisa_sama]: ^^;; Thanks.

[Deus_Casus]: Actually, you can spell perfectly, it's speaking proper English that is tricky.

[Kisa_sama]: I know. Thats were it gets most people.

[Deus_Casus]: Yes.

[sita14]: ummm...What are you all talking about?

[Kisa_sama]: Something interesting, special, and boring. X.x

[sita14]: ok

[true_love_is]: todaloodle dooo :D  *blushes*

[Fireheart2233]: I want to join if it s'ok

[4everThyme]: i am sorry i have been gone so long... work *cries* and I love you 2 alex... feel better. i said it for you. oh and i will add those that have asked to join

[Deus_Casus]: XD

[Vader]: Can I join please? ^_^

[Eldanár Oronar]: May I join..?

[Kisa_sama]: o.o So many people! *falls over* XD

[Vader]: *picks up and dusts down* "Are you ok?"

[Kisa_sama]: *laughs and nods* Sorry about that. >>;;;;

[Vader]: Good, don't fall down it's wet round here, u don't wanna knock urself out and drown in the rain....

[Kisa_sama]: O.OUUU Your absolutly right!

[Vader]: Is it as hot where u are as it is here, I'm begging it to rain!

[sita14]: May I join too?

[Vader]: It's finally raining!!!

[omgOMEGA]: wow people like me!!!! *starts doing a rain dance*

[Vader]: NEED THUNDER!!!

[Kisa_sama]: O.O It rained yesterday.. >>;;

[Snowflame]: I'd like to join please ^-^

[Alex DeLarge]: Woo hoo!

[Kisa_sama]: *dances around* It was awsome! XD

[4everThyme]: it was raining here but i had to work and listen to it... it killed me to know it was pooring out and i was stuck inside... and i added you ppl

[Kisa_sama]: I know the feeling. T.T Work holds you back in more ways than one.

[Vader]: When it thunddered a few days ago it was so hard my house sook!

[Vader]: When it thunddered a few days ago it was so hard my house shook!

[Kisa_sama]: XD

[4everThyme]: lol

[kingcorrupted]: I love rain, I find it a perfect thing to make inspire me to write. Can I join?

[4everThyme]: well when you write a poem about it let me know and ill post it in the poems page

[omgOMEGA]: It's raining again! woo!!! *rain dance*

[Vader]: We're having a drought :(

[omgOMEGA]: noooooo!!!!!!

[Vader]: The biggest for 30 yers!

[omgOMEGA]: nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Vader]: Hosepipe bans to!

[4everThyme]: ack i want it to rain *sobs* it would make me happy ^_^

[guiltyangel]: is raining here

[Alex DeLarge]: It's raining here, now.

[Vader]: DAMN YOU!

[omgOMEGA]: when it doesn't rain I turn on the hosepipe on the thing that sprays and point it up... then I get soaked...

[phaerie]: it rained 2day and made me think of a sayin a friend told "the stars cry when the angels go away" and 2day was the day my boyfriend went to florida for 6 weeks :(

[4everThyme]: holy shit ist was pouring out side and these big ass streaks of lightning went flying through the sky while i was driving home today. it was so friken awesome!!!!!

[Vader]: Damn you again! There is a drought in the UK, heat is not a goths friend :P

[omgOMEGA]: There's a drought in the UK???? First I've heard about it... and I live here!

[Vader]: Yeah th biggest in 30 years!

[omgOMEGA]: Really? Where do you live in the UK?

[Vader]: South Wales.......u?

[Alex DeLarge]: Really nice, heavy downpores around here. Wish I had the camera handy.

[Vader]: Well toiday it isnt raining but it's like a super light drizzle.

[omgOMEGA]: Um... south-east england!¬

[Vader]: How the hell doies this woirk then???

[omgOMEGA]: Um... huh? How does what work?

[.,.,,..,.]: "I aint got no legs!!!!!,.....or no brain,.......nice to meet you,.. hi, my name is,......I forgot my name!!!!!!!!!!!,...My name was not to become what i became, with this level of fame, my soul is possessed by this Devil, new name is,....................Rain Man"

[omgOMEGA]: Cool. Ur crazy. U'll fit in here just fine!

[phaerie]: i'm in south east and its not rained in *weeks* but i've hard 2 big black clouds in one week but they're not spilling :(

[omgOMEGA]: *waves fist at air above her head* damn you clouds! Damn you all!

[Vader]: I' on holiday in Jersey ad it's raining:S

[omgOMEGA]: Yey!!!!

[Ghost Lilly]: ... *thinks of rain* .. it rained here yesterday... >U<

[.,.,,..,.]: Yea, rained and stormed here the other day,....the neighbors thought i was crazy cuz i stood on the porch watching these big lighting bolts from the sky that seemed as if they were really close by. They thought i was gonna die or something,...hehe.

[Vader]: Great, as soon as I get on holiday it raisn at home and not here :(

[Deus_Casus]: i only dislike the rain when it rains the night before i have to do yard work, so then the grass is wet, the leaves are wet, everything becomes very difficult, then again, if it rains right before i do yard work its cool because then i dont have to do any yard work. f(^_^;

[omgOMEGA]: RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[4everThyme]: my mom thinks im crazy when i stand out side during a lightning storm. ill even go for a walk when its pouring... i love it!!!! being drenched, nice cold rain coolin you down... what could be better?

[Vader]: Exactly, a cold shower just isnt good enough!

[4everThyme]: nope nope... cuz it just isnt the same. i mean ya get al wet and what have you but your so confined in the shower... and you have more freedom outside. sorry kinda went on a ramble ^_^'

[phaerie]: showers only come from 1 point and don't change ... in short: boring

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